so this one is for you amanda:
I'm planning to go to Oslo, maybe I already told you..probably it will be the weekend around 24th of october..I'll be free from school 5 days, so probably I'm gonna spend 2 days in Gothenburg and 3 in Oslo...visiting some old dear friends...I just hope we won't have too much in school around that time, so I'll spend the weekend studying...
I'm looing forward to seeing Oslo, last time I was there I was 9, and I don't really remember it..also, cause I've been planning to move there several times, but never felt like it in the end.. I'm sure I will like the city though, but it's damn expensive...looking forward seeing Amandas café, eating some delicious food she prepares for me, drinking some norwegian beer, and whetever else we will do ..
see you soon darling!
oh, and if you have any advice on what to do or where to go in Oslo (or Gothernburg) , tell me!!
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