Sunday, October 3, 2010

london calling

tonight I'm really missing London.
the smell, the sound, the view, the people, the streets..
but mostly the feeling I had, or atleast the feeling I have when I think about it..

the feeling of walking around SoHo,
of lying in SoHo-square with picnic from Tesco around the corner,
the cheap £1-pasta's and and sushi from Tesco

the feeling of getting dressed with high heels and lipstick, before going out at night.

the coziness of sitting in a brwon leather-sofa at Royal George and watch long haired, bearded men..

the feeling of a cold, big pint of beer..

and everything else..

I might have to move back there sometime

1 comment:

Malin said...

London är helt otroligt! Jag älskade London, hade fan inte bangat att leva där ett tag!