went to möllevångstorget today to buy some veg & fruit.
the prices are incredible, I get really shocked everytime!
today I came home with :
4 mandarines
a bunch of grapes
a cucumber
4 or 5 tomatoes
a zucchini
3 avocados
all this, for 2,80 euros!! in a supermarket, I could probably just get 2 cucumbers for that price!
I'm loving it!
last week we had a photo-project-thing in school, so I borrowed Johannas camera for a day and took some photos around möllan..we were gonna take photos of a place in malmö, from different perspectives, and I shot pictures of Möllan from a blind persons perspective...well..thats kind of impossible, but I wanted to give the impressions of how the textures/structures of everything at möllan felt..
these aren't all from that project, but atleast the last 2 are..
i hate the quality of the pictures on blogspot though, they look so shitty!

1 comment:
Så fina bilder, kan nästan se hur de känns ;)Vill ha på väggen!
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