Saturday, May 15, 2010

How to be

one thing i miss with was that you could see how many readers you had everyday, I don't even know how to see how many readers I've had in total. I know I found it one time, but i can't remember, does anybody know?

well, it shouldnt really matter, but it does. sometimes it's just boring writing to nobody. sometimes it's good for you. whatever.

today I went past the library, spent my last money on a library-card, borrowed some books to practise my spanish grammar (yes I'm a language-geek) and some books to learn more german.

Then I met up with Lola for an ice-cream , and then we got back here for some more food and we just saw How to be! it's great, bizarre humour and robert pattinson. great!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

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