I'm gonna show you some pics from my stay in Taize.
For you who doesn't know, to explain it shortly,
Taize is a community close to Lyon,France.
There are about 100 brothers of Taize, really open, fun and intelligent brothers.
They welcome thousands & thousands of people every week on "the hill" (it's surrounded by green hills and vineyards, pretty amazing view!) , and people come from all over the world to spend 1 week in communion with other people, it's a pilgrimage om trust.
Some people stay longer as volunteers, they are called permanents, and I've been a permanent 3 times, this last time was the longest for me, 8 months, and it was a beautiful experience to live so close to other people in such a simple way. Relationships mean so much more when you live like this. you work, eat and live together, and you mean so much for people, and they mean so much for you.
our commonroom from 2 different angles

some of the people that know's me as good as I do.
(how come I don't have a picture of me and Gaby?!)
for new years all the permanents went to Poznan, Poland, to prepare & attend the youth-meeting. we worked hard during the days, but every evening we used to meet in this Irish bar where they said that they made as much money as they usually do in one week, during three days, because of us.
more pictures another day
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