soooo, finally an update!!..
I spent the last two days doing nice things, for me..
yesterday evening I baked a chocolate-cake but as the cocoa powder was almost finished I put some Bailey's and after eight inside, and it was really good!!!
Then I watched "the road", a movie based on the book with the same name. It's a post-apocalyptic movie with Viggo mortensen as a father and his sun (about 12 years old?) trying to get to the southern parts of America, in hope of..something..they walk through a dead landscape covered in ashes..hiding from other human beings who might've survived, as many of them became canibals...it's a good movie..sad, but beautiful..
Today it's been raining all day, so I spent a couple of hours in the library, reading home-decoration & gardening-magazines! haha..sitting by the big glass-walls, in a big, comfy chair..then I borrowed some books to practise my german & portuguese...yes, just for fun..
I don't know, maybe I'll watch a movie tonight too..I haven't got many movies left on the computer, that I haven't seen, I need to get some new ones, do you have any advice on what to get?
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