alright, this isn't the first post in this blog, but i'm gonna write it like it is.
Hi! My name is Victoria, I'm 20 years old and I was born in Sweden.
Since i finished high-school 2 years ago I've been living in Barcelona (working for a telemarketing company), living in London (working in a vintageclothing-store) and I've been a volunteer in a community called Taize, in France. You should all go there. I won't write much about it now, because I think that if you know me you've already heard about this place a thousand times, and if this is the first time you ever visited my blog, you can be sure to read more about Taize in the future if you decide to come back.
I left Taize 2 weeks ago, and afterwards I visited some friends in Barcelona & London.
I'm back at my mom's in the town I was born, Linköping.
I'm planning to stay here for a couple of weeks. I managed to re-fill my mind with some inspiration enough to tae up my interests in art & design.
I'm gonna make some new clothes and jewlwery and maybe even some painting that will be for sale in my mom's vintage/design-shop and hopefully Online too..
Later on this summer I'm hoping to be able to move to the south of Sweden to a city called Malmö. There I will be either working (if i manage to find a good job wich will help me to save money and go to latinamerica next winter) or begin my studies this autumn (culture&media with media & communication as a profile)
If you understand Swedish you could have a look in my old blog, where I've been writing since 2006 (wow, almost 4 years)..
I hope you will stay, but evenmore I hope I will be able to write something interesting..
that's all for now, my eyes are hurting now!
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