source: oh i don't remember the name of the blog!! sorry
Oh, also I got back at my thoughts about getting a new tattoo..well, I guess I won't have money to do that until..2013? aaaanyway,
Something that's been quite important for me, the times I've been thinking about future tattoos,(and for the one that I already got) is that they symbolize something for me, something that I can look at and remind myself of why I did it.
Then one time I realized I would love to do a babushka-tattoo (babushka - russian doll), I collect them.. well, "collect" them, (I have 2, the nice ones are so damn expensive!)..and I just love the colorful patterns and shapes, the job behind them. (apparantly they're supposed to stand for family & protection aswell)
That wasn't a reason good enough for me to do it though, and then I realized that babushka means something like grandmother or old lady in russian (?)..I always had a really close relationship to my grandmother who passed away 1½ years ago, and I want to get my babushka-tattoo and dedicate it to her..
So today I sent some pictures and inspiration to 2 of my best friends, Rosa & Lotten who are still in France. They are both the best artists I know of, and I would love to have something designed by a friend..

source: dearbeatrice
1 comment:
jag har sett asfina vodkaflaskor här i kbh som ser ut som såna dockor.. antar att man skruvar av huvet haha.. måste komma ihåg att köpa nån nån dag!
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