hey people,
I had a really nice evening yesterday, feeling it today though but Mathilda just made some scones so we listened to jazz & ate scones for breakfast..should be like this every week-end..
yesterday we had a looong day in school, but a quite interesting one, about writing reportages and stuff..by the end of the afternoon i was shaking with irritation though as I sat at the same table as the most irritiating person in the whole fucking world..please god, let her not be in our class these coming 3 years..
anyway, staright after we went into town, me and a couple of classmates, had a few drinks at a friends appartment, and then went to an after-work-thing that nöjesguiden ( a magazine) hosted...free drinks and food, ain't complaining!!
had to run to meet up with Mathilda at 7 as we had tickets for a theatre , which was connected a bit with the upcoming election..it was preety funny...and strange
after that, back to my classmate's appartment, which made me stunned...it's in the middle of the best street in Malmö, HUUUUUUUUGE, like 8 enormous rooms, it took an hour to go to the toilet form his room..kind of...
it was so nice, we drank apple-cinnamon-whine and danced to loads of different music..
I'm just so happy to be in this class, surrounded by all of these creative people , musicians, writers, producers...it's so awesome! we're gonna have loads of cool projects going on..
yeah, after that we went out to KB, and the evening ended in Annas appartment, until i dragged my self home on my bicycle..
now : shower, grocery-shopping, studying and work..if you're in Malmö, stop by mässingshornet, kirseberg tonight, it's gonna be awesome!! a night in Jimi Hendrix memory