i just have to share with your this fantastic recipe I came up with once.
well i dont know if it's really a recipe, I never use measures, but anyway..
the picture doesn't show the real soup, but it looks kind of the same..sourcefor 3-4 portions (thought I eat it all after and hour or two)
you need:
a couple of potatoes, 3-4 maybe
maybe 3 dl of red lentils
a splash of white wine (0.5 dl maybe)
rosemary, salt, pepper, chilipowder
fresh lemonjuice
½ onion (i usually use yellow, but you could probably use red onion if that's what you have..or charlottes)
1 mediumsized clove of garlic
cream (half a dl maybe)
so start with chopping the onion, and the potatoes to in pieces...fry them in oil together with the saffron (you DON'T need alot, half a teaspoon maximum) and press the garlic or chop it finely...
stir all the time, and pour the wine over it..let it soak in and I guess it will kind of start boiling, so put the lentils (with about 1 dl of water), the lemon and the potatoe pieces in there..stir and put some salt, pepper rosemary and chili in there..
let it simmer for a minute, then pour about 1 L of stock or water (i usually boil it in the boiler first to make it boil faster) with a bouillon-cube...
let it boil for about 7 minutes, then put the crema in and let it boil for yet some minutes. it usually takes about 10 minutes for the lentils and potatos to get soft..just taste it and see...
then i usually use a mixer to make it smoother, but it's not necessery..
I usually eat it with a spoon of créme fraiche/sour cream, and some nice bread