Thursday, June 24, 2010


source: dont remember exactly, but from flickr

there are so many different kinds of art, but if I limit this question to favourite-painter, I would say Frida Kahlo, Gustav Klimt & Alphonse Mucha (seems like I prefer womens-portraits...)
favouritemovie: there are many good movies, Little Ashes, Frida, Candy & Amélie from Montmartre are some of my favourites..
cutest textmessage: that I've gotten? Oh many, I save them, the nicest one could be one I got quite recently that said "do you want to make out and watch TV in your bed tonight?"
favouritecolor: up until some months ago it's always been black, just black. only black. but now, oh, aqua, mint-green and dark apple/pistachio-green
favouritecity: probably loads of cities I haven't visited yet (Buenos Aires?)..but Barcelona & Berlin are pretty good to me..& London of course, but without London we could say I have a thing for cities that starts with a B..
you often cook: pasta! at least I used too..nowadays I like to do different kind of stews and gratains, as long as it makes me feel like I've really made an effort..
favourite-drink: tea, juice, beer, mojito, rhubarb-lemonade, cherry-leomande, christmas-soda (swedish thing)
you would like to be: richer, more ambitious when it comes to work & study..
you speak: languages? hmm, swedish fluently & I'm pretty much fluent in english I guess..I can manage to speak somewhat OK spanish, I used to speak even better Italian, I could also mantain a very small conversation in French, Portuguese & German (probably without any correct grammar, but to make myself understood)..and of course, I understand Norwegian & Danish cause it's pretty much like yeah..swedish, english & spanish :) at the moment!! i love languages, would love to learn all of these fluently, and also Lithuanian which is really beautiful..

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