Tuesday, September 7, 2010

shopping & bicycles

hey, long time no speak, no write, no contact..i now
i've been looking for a chepa internet but there aren't any!!
i can't take this anymore, i need a cheap broadband at home!!

anyway, school is nice, free today, so I'm heading out to ikea to spend my students-loan on shelves and 4 pink chairs (oh but they are so cool..i know I dont have any space for them where we live now, but maybe in the future I'll fit them in...if I still like them)...

also I've been shopping clothes, well a blouse at h&m (the picture), and I just want to buy more and more, because I haven't been shopping for long, and I need autumn-stuff, cause today I saw 3 red leaves..beautiful but, autumn, now?

also, I'm in depserate need of a bicycle, does anybody know where I can get a really cheap one, secondhand probably, around Malmö? get in touch!

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