Tuesday, July 13, 2010

big day

what a day people!!

it's my 3rd day in Malmö and I just got home from an interview, or maybe more of a meeting. my mom's friend's friend's friend (complicated) owns a little bar where they have live-music and blues-bands in the evenings. and on saturday I will go there to test-work for one evening, hopefully I will do well and I will start working there..It's not the best payed, and a bit long from where I live now, but it's a good start!

Today I also found out that i got accepted to the progamme I want to study at the university!! I was so happy to see this!! and now I really have some big thinking ahead of me...listening to what my heart really sayd...At the moment, I want to follow the both roads equally much. But schools doesnt start until 1st of september, and until then I have alot of time to feel and think about this...

perhaps there is a possibility to begin my studies and have an extra-job on the side. and maybe I could travel next semester, and take a break from the programme (wich would make it certain that I could again keep on my studies from next year as I already started it...I think)..though then I would miss the meeting in Chile, and seeing alot of my latino-friends there....so I will have to think and feel more about this. But at the moment I am very happy!


Mona said...

najs! Är det möjligtvis southern vid värnhem du ska börja jobba på? jag och mina polare brukar nämligen lyssna på band där på vardagarna :)

Victoria said...

hej Mona!! nej, detta stället heter mässingshornet o ligger vid kirseberg...dit får ni komma nån gång!
men southern låter intressant, det ska jag kolla upp! har de bra musik? :)