Wednesday, October 13, 2010

morning news

I'm just a little bit pissed off, as i overslept the one and only lesson i really wanted to go to today. well it wasn't an important lesson, or even compulsory, but it was a meeting with our counselour and she was gonna tell us how we can use our education, and what possibilities we have for work in the future..that would be quite good for me to hear, as I constantly keep changing, and wanting to try new things..though everything inside of the media-sector, so I guess that's OK.

also, I've found some really nice appartments for really, REALLY nice (pictures below)...but I can't get a loan from the bank to buy them, as my biggest income is form my students-loan, and that doesn't count..too bad

there are also some nice 2-room-appartments, ideal for 2 persons to live in..but I don't want to live with a friend anymore, and isnce there is no man in my life I'm just..all alone!

but whatever, I'm not as sad as it seems, after all, I'm having banana pancakes for lunch!!

pictures form idealhem

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